Dental Sealants for Cavity Prevention
THERE ARE MANY pits and grooves in the chewing surface of a molar where bacteria can grow and lead to…
DetailsTHERE ARE MANY pits and grooves in the chewing surface of a molar where bacteria can grow and lead to…
DetailsTHE LIFE OF A PARENT is a hectic one. Keeping track of everything your…
DetailsRUDIMENTARY DENTAL EXTRACTIONS were performed in China as early as 6,000 BC, and there is…
DetailsPOTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS are a concern with pretty much every medication that exists. We can…
DetailsMOUTH-BREATHING CAN cause all kinds of short-term issues, many of which are connected to…
DetailsIT MIGHT BE CLICHÉD to say it, but it’s true that kids grow up fast. They’re constantly outgrowing…
DetailsTHERE WAS SOMETHING rotten in the state of England during the Early Modern Era: everyone’s…
DetailsTHE OLD LINE “it takes fewer muscles to smile than frown” isn’t actually true. It takes at…
DetailsTWO OUT OF EVERY FIVE kids will end up with one or more cavities by their…
DetailsTWO OF THE BIGGEST milestones of child development are when their baby teeth start…